Sunday, May 20, 2012

Productive day in the kitchen!

Our dogs get us up pretty early on most weekends; usually between 6 & 7 AM, which is fine with me. It's still later than we get up during the week for work and it gives me plenty of time to do things around the house and still get out early to run errands.

This morning by 7:30 I had turkey meatballs in the oven baking, tomato sauce on the stove simmering and a dozen eggs in a hot tub hard boiling!

By 8 AM I had made a quick gucamole and maybe had it for breakfast. ;) 8:30 produced a beautiful egg salad for lunches for the week, using the best, freshest eggs I am very fortunate to get from  
Happy chicken hill farm,
The base for my tomato sauce also came from them today! Thanks HCH!

Dinner was a basic favorite, spaghetti with meatballs. Simplicity at it's best right? :)

It was also a beautiful day here in Pennsylvania, the dogs enjoyed soaking in some Vitamin D, as did I.

1 comment:

  1. YUM!...and I'm totally jealous that you get eggs from HCH farm!


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