Friday, July 30, 2010

Marsh Creek Lake

With a break in the humidity today, I convinced my friend E to lunch at Marsh Creek Lake today. It was crowded but even screaming kids couldn't really ruin the effect eating lakeside can have on you.

Tried to take some 'cool' shots in black and white. I do have a nice color picture but I don't know how to turn it so its right side up here!!

Upon getting back to the car to return to work, I found a parking ticket on my windshield. When we first pulled in, there was not a spot to be had in the 'lower' section of the parking lot. There was an empty row with a few "trailer only" signs posted here and there. I parked there, having no trailer, but hey!, it's a park, it's a parking lot, and there is no where else to park. I should mention there was a cop car of sorts ( I failed to notice if it was 'park police' or 'real police' or what) in the parking lot talking to someone, and he saw me park my car. That is what kind of pisses me off. He watched me park in a space that apparently, I shouldn't have. There was no other place to park. Would they rather have the patron leave than spend time at their beautiful lake? AND on the ticket, my violation is checked in the $15 "no parking" section when there is anther section with "no parking" fines of only $5 under 'state park violations'. Was I overcharged? I will pay the ticket, but I also plan on writing and sending along a letter addressing my disgust at the whole situation. It sort of bothers me... the whole situation. It was a Friday, not like it was a weekend. There was no place else to park. When I left, there were 4 other cars parked next to me with NO TICKET!! And the 'cop' watched me park there!! UGH!! Like I said, I will pay it, but I will get the last word! :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

New sneakers!

I love new sneakers! I will admit to having a slight sneaker obsession. But it should be told that last month, I donated 7 pairs of old sneakers to a shoe drive we were having at work. :)

I started up my exercise regimen this week...with just walking for now. The maybe 5 minutes of running I've done mixed in really doesn't count for much, but my long term goal is to get back to running. And that means the running of 30 miles a week I use to do. They were the good old days. I love running. I miss running. So if a $70 pair of new sneakers is what it takes to get me back on the streets...then so be it!! Just don't tell M!! I did sneak them into the house and throw them quickly into the closet where he shouldn't notice.

Aren't they nice?!?
And soooo comfy!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Farmer's market

Another successful shopping trip to the Anselma Mill's farmer's market!
Let's see...I got the butterhead lettuce, raspberries, blackberries, and plum tomatoes from the hydroponic people. The blackberries are the BEST I have ever eaten in my whole life. (!!!) Plums...yum. I got really nice cucumber too, didn't make it into the picture. Oh, and some of the most delish lime dressing from this place out of Lancaster,Le Boon's Homemade,, along with chicken salad and potato salad. I couldn't resist...they offer samples!...I eat! I like! I buy!!
Oh, I got some local cheddar cheese too for the first time. Haven't tried it yet though.

Monday, July 26, 2010


The second set of lily bulbs from my dear friend T bloomed today! Gorgeous!

Coconut water

A new discovery today. . .Coconut water with pineapple! Very delish. More potassium than TWO bananas, more electrolytes than sports drinks, no added sugars, AND celebs (like Madonna!) drink it! Also comes in other flavors, all escape my memory at the moment except for Acai which I will be trying tomorrow! (Is not clear as blue bottle would lead one to believe, that is my water bottle.) (In fact, not sure what color it is as I drank it from container with a straw. A milky white I think!)

Delish Coconut water...mmm yum!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Chicken, peppers and onions over rice. Side of avocado. Naan bread.


Some people eat Corn Flakes...
This was breakfast. Eggs poached in tomato goodness. Eggs from T. Tomatoes from farmers market. Basil from backyard. How good is that?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

First post

Bad day, really, to start a blog. At times though I find it hard to focus on the more important things. Like an exam and labs and discussion board postings.

This is week 8 of 10 of the last class needed and then that bachelor's degree in Accounting is mine! Earth Science this week is all out rocks. Some of it is rather interesting because I apparently learned nothing in grade school and high school so this is new to me!

Stay is bound to be more exciting... :)

Hello again.  I've been away for a very long time again! 3 years ...DANG!! Well, coming back is what's important, right?!  Like visi...