Tuesday, February 19, 2013


When it comes to side dishes, I have to admit I'm pretty boring. Steamed broccoli is my go to dish... horrible I know. 
So this one day I found myself with carrots,  more carrots than I normally have,  3 pounds to be exact.  I got to thinking I could make carrots as a side!  Novel idea,  I know. 

I found a simple recipe for dilled carrots.  I like dill, I could do this.

Cut up 4 carrots,  add to sauce pan with 1/2 water,  1 tablespoon butter,  1 teaspoon salt and a generous amount of dried dill.  Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer until most of the water is cooked off and the carrots are tender.

But wait! There's more!
The other day I realized I had carrots and green beans and potatoes... all veggies that go great with dill!  Into a pan they all went and the results were delicious and pretty!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Who uses cookbooks!?  I really shouldn't neglect mine, I have so many.
Most of these dishes are all either from Pinterest or based on recipes found on Pinterest. At least I know I am not alone with my addiction when I read other blogs or Facebook posts.  It's an addiction on the rise!

Mexican chicken salsa soup.


Falafel crusted chicken with hummus coleslaw.  This one is actually from Food Network.


And those fries...they're homemade! My first attempt and they came out great! Baked, not fried.

Red swiss chard with tilapia.  After jumping on the kale bandwagon, I decided there were many other greens  out there I needed to try.  Swiss chard is DEELICIOUS! Similar to spinach, maybe a wee bit earthier.  I made this recipe up.  Sauteed chard with onions (turns them a very pretty pink color!) in some olive oil and garlic, salt and pepper. Can't get any easier than that.

Lasagna cups.  Love the portion control with these, as well as total accountability of what exactly you ate if you're tracking your food intake (which I currently am).  I know each cup is 2 wonton wrappers, 1 T ricotta, 1 T mozzarella, 2 T seasoned ground turkey, 2 T sauce.  AND tasty! :)

Roasted chickpeas.  I could eat the whole bowl. Ok, I almost did.


The nice thing with these is that you can make them any flavor combination you wish...salty, spicy, sweet.  Whatever you like!

"Great Grandma's hot chicken salad" and Parmesan roasted tomatoes.



Taco cups.  Wonton wrappers come in packages of about 40 or so...so I will be making cup sized food for a while! Not a bad thing though thats for sure!

  is where I got my inspiration from and expect to get even more inspiration from!

Hello again.  I've been away for a very long time again! 3 years ...DANG!! Well, coming back is what's important, right?!  Like visi...