Tuesday, February 19, 2013


When it comes to side dishes, I have to admit I'm pretty boring. Steamed broccoli is my go to dish... horrible I know. 
So this one day I found myself with carrots,  more carrots than I normally have,  3 pounds to be exact.  I got to thinking I could make carrots as a side!  Novel idea,  I know. 

I found a simple recipe for dilled carrots.  I like dill, I could do this.

Cut up 4 carrots,  add to sauce pan with 1/2 water,  1 tablespoon butter,  1 teaspoon salt and a generous amount of dried dill.  Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer until most of the water is cooked off and the carrots are tender.

But wait! There's more!
The other day I realized I had carrots and green beans and potatoes... all veggies that go great with dill!  Into a pan they all went and the results were delicious and pretty!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I don't think I've ever used dill. Something to look into.


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