Hello again. I've been away for a very long time again! 3 years ...DANG!! Well, coming back is what's important, right?! Like visiting an old friend you haven't seen in years. If it's good, you just pick up without skipping a beat so that is what I will attempt to do.
What's up?????....
2015 - nothing I can think of.
2016 - more nothing I can think of. What a boring life, eh?!
2017 - I went WFPB ~ Whole Foods Plant Based ~. Sometimes I just say vegan because people understand that. Mostly. I still get the occasional question "You eat fish, right? No. How about this cake? It has no meat, just eggs and butter! No." To be honest, I don't mind the questions because I love sharing any knowledge I have about how awesome this way of eating has made me feel.
Since changing my diet years ago I have always felt good but I wanted to see if I could feel REALLY good and after watching a bunch of documentaries - Forks Over Knives, Food Matters, Fat Sick & Nearly Dead, etc... I gave it a go and have to admit I do feel pretty darn amazing. So that's my update in a nutshell.
BF and I bought a new house early in summer with a fabulous fenced in yard so the dogs have lots and lots of yard to run in and chase bunnies ...Martini's favorite outdoor activity I think! Watching them run around the yard makes me happy. Makes a 30 year mortgage totally worth it!
2018 - Still chopping and dicing and smoothie making, and have added in juicing now! Still on the "making the best version of me" train. Still wanting to share what I know with others...which has sort of lead to this blog being re-incarnated. I absolutely love it when a friend approaches me about going plant based or a cooking question. I've figured out I'm happiest in the kitchen - love prepping and chopping and cooking ...even though I tend to make a mess, I always clean up! And hey, that"s part of the process!
I started a food related Instagram ...maybe you've made that connection already, if not, find me on IG at happinessmadeinthekitchen. Maybe you'll see a thing or two you like. Maybe you'll pick up a tip or two. Maybe you'll find a recipe that will inspire you to try it as well. Maybe you'll get a little hungry.
So let's get this train rolling again....
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
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Hello again. I've been away for a very long time again! 3 years ...DANG!! Well, coming back is what's important, right?! Like visi...
I read! In case you were wondering if I do anything else besides cooking. I actually just started reading for pleasure in the past year. I...
Some days, I don't even know what I'm going to make for dinner. Sure, I have an idea if it's going to be chicken or turkey (no b...
So far, so good! Haven't had any casualties and everything is looking pretty good! There is even one small green tomato already! The ad...