New year...New commitment! myself and to getting back to this blog!
2013's resolution was to lose the weight I had put on over the past 5 years...5 years of laziness, 5 years of eating whatever I wanted, 5 years of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I'm happy to report that I stuck with it and as I write this, I am 82 pounds lighter than I was last year at this time. Yea me!
So 2014 rolls around and new continue being the best me I can be! Physically, mentally, spiritually...every "-ally" that I can think of! Right off the bat I upped my running. Last year I started walking and when that got easy I got back into running. I love running. I started running at another previous point in my life when I had lost weight and its something I really missed. October saw new running sneakers and I was able to continuously run 5 miles. Because of my work schedule and this other thing called "life", I can only find the time to run on weekends. On average I ran a little over 5 miles each Saturday and Sunday. I figured January 1 was the perfect time to up it, and New year's day I covered 6 miles, no problem! Yea me! So I'll try to keep that up and then gradually increase slowly so to avoid any injuries!
Next up, to eat even better than I am. I'm pretty happy with my diet; it's mainly fruits and vegetables, good fats, nuts and seeds, and poultry. I've cut out processed foods except for the occasional bottled salad dressing, I buy natural and organic most so I think that's alright.
Speaking of eating, I've made some fun things lately. Here's some of them:
"Larabars" - dates, almonds, protein powder
Chicken parmesan meatloaf- ground chicken breast, parmesan cheese, sauce, seasonings
Almond milk - soaked overnight almonds, rinsed then blended and strained
Simple sauteed kale and brussel sprouts in coconut oil with nuts
Buffalo chicken bites from
Really simple, yet tasty healthy food!